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  • Writer's pictureMercenari

Harbinger AA #1

Character Level 15

For PvE only


ArcheAge Harbinger Guide


“There are a total of 130 classes in ArcheAge

Classes are formed by combining 3 Skill Sets.”

What is a Harbinger?

A Harbinger is one of the 130 ArcheAge classes combining Sorcery (my main), Battlerage, Witchcraft.

This guide was made because there is really no guide yet on the Harbinger class

They say we shouldn’t mix Battlerage and Sorcery as it cannot stack two offensive stats. I say, maybe. Because in terms of damage output, it is pretty great. With MMORPGS usually, I chose a long distance damage class like archer or wizard. But I have an affinity for melee damagers as well. To me, combining Sorcery (a long range damage) and Battlerage (melee) is pretty great.

Why I chose Witchcraft is because - since Sorcery satisfies my need of long range damage and Battlerage my melee, Witchcraft can help buff or slow the enemies down among other effects, for more damage.

I am currently Level 15, but it is worth noting that all the enemies I have come across (35+) have died relatively easily with this class. Once the skills have strengthened, I believe this class will truly be terrifying.

Skills to equip


These are a must. Typically, when presented with an enemy, I always open with Freezing Arrow and then proceed to damage them as they run towards me with Flamebolt. Flamebolt takes a while to charge up but the combo is pretty nice. I use Insulating Lens as a shield, so the timing of when to use that is totally up to the player. Arc Lightning I have just recently started using but it seems pretty powerful. Takes up a lot of mana, so I don’t recommend using it unless you are pretty sure enemy will die quick.


I admit, I don’t use many of the buffs in Battlerage, but that’s mostly because my only purpose with it is high damage. After I hit with Flamebolt, sometimes I either go with Charge and then Triple slash or directly Triple Slash and then just keep hitting with the melee key, sometimes taking risks at Freezing Arrow again. Usage of Behind Enemy Lines is also up to the player.


Between Battlerage and Sorcery, there aren’t many keys left for this skill. I am trying to use it only as a buff or debuff. But currently, as I have been focusing on damage, this is what I have;


As I am only Level 15, I do not have a high grasp on many other (potentially better) abilities. But I will keep updating as I progress further.

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